60 min
Stay out of the pool, ocean, and prolonged sun exposure for one week only. Healing process 1 - 3 months
It is performed under anesthesia localized, through the use of an electrocautery, which through a current generates heat, allowing to remove moles and warts located on the surface of the skin
No more moles and warts!
Whatever your unique reason for wanting to remove your mole, we’re here to help!
60 min
Stay out of the pool, ocean, and prolonged sun exposure for one week only. Healing process 1 - 3 months
Aftercare for mole removal treatment is very simple and only takes a few minutes each day for a few weeks. Our team will explain the easy process that includes keeping the area clean and rubbing ointment that is given to you on the day of treatment, for the recovery of the treated area.
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