Anti-Cellulite Massage


A treatment to eliminate Cellulite

They can be combined with each other to achieve more visible and lasting effects


Our anti-cellulite protocol allows to reduce around 80% of cellulite

We will make a diagnosis of each case to check what stage it is in and thus be able to apply a personalized treatment to alleviate the effects of orange peel skin and accumulated fat in this area of the body.


60 min


Elevate your legs for 10 min to promote venous return, fluid drainage and oxygenation

From grade 1 to grade 5 cellulite.

  • Carry out a healthy diet
  • Do not consume saturated fats
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol
  • Eat less salt
  • Exercise regularly
  • Walk as much as possible and not be sedentary
  • Eat detox foods to eliminate toxins

Varicose veins and phlebitis, acute infections, active cancer with metastases, heart or kidney failure, severe liver disorders, recent surgeries, pacemakers, metal implants in most cases.

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